Dealers & Resellers


Information for CAD Dealers and Resellers

This web page provides information for CAD dealers and resellers of Sheet Lightning and other Revcad Software products and services, or for any organisation wishing to investigate the possibility of becoming a dealer. Applications are welcome.

We have two designated dealer status options - these are ‘CAD dealer’ and ‘Reseller’:

CAD  Dealer - Established CAD reseller companies who have a company profile (including web site) that includes some level of specilization in sales and/or support of CAD software. Resellers of Autocad and other CAD systems are welcome.

Resellers - Any company that sells general software but does not offer any level of support or advice to customers in the use the software.

How do I become a CAD Dealer or Reseller?

Simply apply to us by sending a mail to giving details of your required status and your company profile (including web site address). We will contact you with details of our discount rates and terms and information on how to get started (see below).

How is the Dealer Purchasing Implemented?

We implement CAD dealer and reseller purchasing by simply providing you with special dealer URL links to purchase our products at the discount rate relevant to your dealer status. The purchasing itself is implemented through our multi-national software vendor ‘’ who provide a full service in terms of payment methods and order tracking.

You must register the product during the purchase process to your customer’s company name (or personal name for non-company sales). The rest of the information about your customer can be retained by you if you wish to keep your customers details confidential. However if you provide Revcad Software with full details of the company’s name and address then we will credit you as being the dealer for this company. This means that if future purchases are made directly by the company at the full software price you will receive the credit in the form of additional discounts on further sales.

What products of Revcad Software can I resell as a dealer or reseller?

We offer sales discount on our flagship products Sheet Lightning 5.0 and Lite 5.0.

We also have highly specialized design facilities that do not appear in the main product. We will make you aware of these additions when you obtain your dealer/reseller status.

Revcad also provide software development services for engineering and other companies that have special or specific design needs. Dealers and resellers are also entitled to commission on any contracts undertaken by Revcad as a result of introduction or recommendation by the dealer/reseller. These contracts may range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the scope of the project.

Our new products are developed using a technology we call RAD CAD technology (Rapid Application Development of CAD products). We are able to use the tools and services in our products to quickly adapt them to new and varied CAD design needs. The specialized areas we have touched are rapidly expanding. Some of these (that are more related to the main product - e.g. pressure vessel design, feeder design) can be seen and accessed through the ‘Special’ menu of Sheet Lighting (download now) because they have been added to the main product as new features.

Contact us to inquire of the possibilty of creating special additions/extensions to the software to meet the special needs of your customers, or to inquire of additional facilities that we already have developed.

In what languages can the software operate?

Currently Revcad Software products operate in English language only. However facilites will soon be implemented to allow anybody to implement a translation. Any CAD dealers wishing to provide this level of product support may be able to sell the translation as a support product. Please contact us if you require more information.

Developer - Dealer/Reseller relationship

Finally our intention is to expand and develop lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with CAD dealers and resellers around the world that can help users get the best from our products, just as it is the intention of dealers to develop these relationships with customers. Please let me encourage you to join this growing delaer/reseller community. Contact us now!

Best regards
Trevor Maddison


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